
About Me

Dear friends,

My name is Jimmy Rhinehart, and I want to let you in on a little secret. I know the secret to getting in the best shape of your life. Over the past 5 years I have put together one of the best butt kicking fitness formulas in the world! Over the past few years I have been committed to my education, I've created the perfect fitness and weight loss system to get you the fastest results!.

But first, let me be honest with you. I know how you feel. You see I was not always in shape.

My Story

I have been personal training at one of those big box gyms for about 6 years and running boot camps at the same gym for 3 of those years. In that time through experience and a commitment to continually educating myself, I have learned what it takes to get the best results for my clients. I will do the same for you.

I know how you feel. You see I was not always in shape. When I first moved to CA, I landed a great job in sales. The pay was great, but I spent most of the day sitting on my butt. I don’t have to tell you that not long after I started, I put on a lot of weight. To be honest I didn’t even realize how big I was, until one day my wife was looking through some photos of our recent family reunion. She handed me a photo and said, “Look at this.” At first glance I said, “Who is that fat guy?” She simply replied, “You.” It got me thinking, but I still took no action. Then that sales job went away.

It was around my birthday that my wife bought me a gym membership. With all the free time I now had, I started going every day. It didn’t take long and I was feeling a lot better. I had a lot more energy, I was sleeping all night, and everything felt as if it was going to be great. I was also hard at work looking for a new job but was not having any luck. I was talking to my wife one night, telling her how things were not looking good for me. She asked me a question that changed my life. She asked, “Jimmy if you could do anything in the world what would it be?” I said, “Make people feel the way I do right now!” She said, “There you go. Become a personal trainer.” The rest is history.

My boot camp isn't for everyone. If you complain or whine about how out of shape you are and how bad you feel about yourself then my boot camp isn't for you. But if you're seeking answers and truth to ending your fitness frustrations forever, then I invite you to Call or email me and change your life forever!

Here at JRS Boot Camp we combine the perfect blend of fat burning cardio, body firming resistance training and stomach flattening exercises all into one workout. You will save yourself time by burning fat, toning muscle and getting a flat stomach all at once.

Since our Van Nuys fat melting Indoor Boot Camp workout combines all of these benefits with an instructor that really cares about your results, you won’t ever have to deal with the uneasy feeling of those big gyms and personal trainers that simply don’t care about you.

You can always call us at (818) 749-0217 or email us at and we would be more than happy to answer any additional questions that you may have. Ok, now that all of your most pressing questions have been answered.

Jimmy Rhinehart